Barney's Punt
Words from the wise builder himself:
"My boat is a Garvey, The design is from the Chesapeake Bay region of the East Coast of the U.S. They are used as workboats, as oystering and crabbing boats. The boat is flat bottomed across the beam with a considerable rocker fore and aft.
Chesapeake Bay is a shallow body of water, so it would at times have a fair chop and this design would be able to handle rough water with ease, even with the flat bottom and the pram bow.
The boat is built from plywood and epoxy using stitch and glue technology. The boat has been five years in the building with a huge amount of help from Dave and Scott on technical matters. I have installed an Aquadrive to isolate the thrust and to allow ease of drive line installation. It has a bronze propeller which is square, 14"*14". The engine is a Volvo MD7A 13 HP twin cylinder diesel. I estimate a speed of between 5 and 8 knots. The dimensions are 22ft 5 in long and just over 6 ft in the beam."
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