Fair Dinkum Fibreglass Repair Kit
The Fair Dinkum Fibreglass Repair Kit gets its name from being the real deal. most other Fibreglass Repair kits are based on Polyester Resin & Chopped Strand mats. The reason is they are both cheap and misconceived as;
The Fair Dinkum Fibreglass Repair Kit gets its name from being the real deal as it uses epoxy for more information on Why Bote Cote[sg1] epoxy see information below. Most other Fibreglass Repair kits are based on Polyester Resin & Chopped Strand Mat, which is not the ideal solution to what most people need to do their project properly, and here are some reasons why:
They are used for making Fibreglass doo-ickies such as boats, Birdbaths and a multitude of oddball shapes in mass production
Polyester resin is a poor adhesive and does not stick well to cured surfaces plus it shrinks slightly as it cures
when there is shock loading or high tension it easily de-laminates as it is always under tension. Check out the Fibreglass Repair Explained​​​

Epoxy resin is the ultimate adhesive and should always be used when doing Fibreglass repairs or making composite boats and other structures. It sticks tenaciously to all surfaces except poly plastics when prepared correctly by cleaning off wax and grease followed by a course sanding with 80grit. whether it be stainless steel, aluminium, jarrah, river red gum and oily timbers such as Huon pine.
The kit comes complete with great instructions, 150ml Bote-Cote Epoxy Resin kit, 1mtr x 100mm woven fibreglass tape, Peeply, 25mm epoxy brush, mixing cup, stirring stick plus a pair of gloves all in a resealable plastic bucket.